Wednesday, July 29, 2009

On the Other Side of the Glass Door

Through my personal walk in the work place I have come to realize so many christian women go through spiritual battles on their jobs and they get so tired and weary that they begin to lose their confidence in their ability to perform with Excellence. Please allow me to encourage you with some words of encouragement.

Rember when "Going up against the Beast" it is a spirit not a man
Put on your spiritual Armor everyday and prepare for Battle ( Positive Thinking) Use all your Motivational Channels -- Books, Music, sermons etc.)

Set your focus on those times when you did succeed in the past
Rely on the confidence that comes from your past successes

Remove anything from your thoughts that creates a picture of failure in your thoughts and choose to see yourself succeeding in all your daily task

Know that is God has delivered you before that he will do it again (FAITH)

Gaining confidence is a process, you don't get it all at once it happens only by taking one step at a time through your experiences. Your past experiences have prepared you for the battle you currently find yourself in.

Scripture to read in your quite time
"No Weapon Formed against me shall prosper" because you are a child of the most High King

Hebrews 12:3
Hebrews 10:22
James 1:19-20
Matthew 5:23-24

Women who have survived a Spiritual Battle in the Work Place

When you are in the midst of a work place storm we must understand that God has already given use the victory we just have to claim it. I recall one Sunday morning my Pastor stated that "No matter how close you walk with God there will always be someone who will not like you" and that "in life we have a choice whether we are going to fold up like a card table or soar like a eagle and keep pressing on. If you have a story on how you survived a work place spiritual battle and used Scripture and Prayer to get you through please share you story. I WANT TO CAPTURE YOUR STORY IN my new book which is culmination of stories of women who have won the spiritual battle on their jobs.

A list of questions to get you started in sharing your journey will be posted in the next posting. Stay tune